Teste Tersa® Monobloc
We have introduced the concept of TERSA® Monobloc for particularly heavy-duty processing, such as glued laminated timber and beams.
The Monobloc TERSA® heads built from a single lock of steel guarantee great structural stability and automatic centrifugal locking. They mount cemented steel bushings with a hardness of 60/62 HRC.
They have been designed for work at high feed rates. HF (high frequency) hardening in the sliding areas of the clamping wedge and ground knife support base.
Other similar products

MBM Spiral Heads in Ergal 7075
The MBM Spiral planing heads are produced in duralumin Ergal 7075; in order to guarantee optimal use, 2 bushings in case hardened and ground steel were mounted. This solution facilitates and guarantees a perfect fit on the shaft-holder-cups.

MBM Spiral steel heads
The same construction philosophy is also true for the MBM Spiral steel head, which always mounts hard metal knives, squared with the following dimensions 15x15x2.5mm reduced tolerance, rounded R95, with a clearence angle of 37°.

Teste Tersa® Monobloc
We have introduced the concept of TERSA® Monobloc for particularly heavy-duty processing, such as glued laminated timber and beams.

Teste Tersa® R 2000
The R2000 centrifugal locking TERSA® head renews the reed head concept, offering greater performance to professionals in the sector. TERSA® R2000 PRO HEADS offer the possibility of carrying out planing and profiling operations in a single machine pass.
MBM srl
via Ferruccio Parri 905 a Cesena (FC) - Italia
Tel. 0547-331390
P.IVA IT00327430401
R.E.A. 147774
Capitale Sociale 100.000 euro i.v.
via Ferruccio Parri 905 a Cesena (FC) - Italia
Tel. 0547-331390
P.IVA IT00327430401
R.E.A. 147774
Capitale Sociale 100.000 euro i.v.